Remember little Minnow, that night of Ode?
An early version of Warsongs now lives within Soulframe. The Fable will be triggered upon new account creation, or can be found in the Codex by pressing 'Replay Fable.'
Play this early tease of the Fable and find the Memories of Warsongs Notes scattered in Alca to learn more about the tale of the night Ode fell upon Dendria, the night the spellsong silenced all others...
Silent Rose Enclave
Have ye memories from ‘fore the war?
Have ye ciphers? Secrets sworn?
Then pledge your sword a Rose’s thorn.
Discover the Silent Rose Enclave! Find this hidden stronghold near the ruins of Salzbrim to uncover a new social hub for Envoys.
Gather in the Drippin' Flagon with fellow comrades and accept tasks from Lady Deora, newly free from Ode'n control.
Note: The Torment Stag Fable must be complete and the Silent Rose Invitation must be found in order to accept tasks from Lady Deora.
Listen to the tunes of the Drippin' Flagon:
The Shewolf Snared
A howl rings out, the choir of a shattered pack...
Faint howls echo through the northern night in Midrath. Follow them and uncover a clue of where the Shewolf is ensnared. Begin your hunt and rescue Orengall and her lost pups from the Sinecure’s Voltaic Snares.
Complete this Fable to acquire your pup and the Fragment for the new Orengall Pact.
Orengall Pact
Sleek as silvern, sharp as bone.
Hear ye howls and know ye're home.
For by her pact, no wolf be lone.
Be one with the pack of the Omen Shewolf Orengall. Prowl the Furthing packlands by light of lridris, a silent assassin of fang and claw. May your bite be fierce and your love be fiercer.
Run free your silvern soul. Prowl ahead undetected, while your frame is left vulnerable.
Call upon Orengall's brood. Pups deal damage and draw fire before retreating to Silvern.
Sing your bloodsong. Increased courage and chance of Smite for you and your party. Ode'n dogs turn on their masters.
IDOL: Bloodmoon
Iridis compels you. Unsheathe your silvern claws.
Orengall Armour Set
Fragments for Orengall’s Armour can be found from Sparrow’s Tales within the Dermak Undercity.
Armet of Iridis - Waxing
Graced by the blue gleam or Iridis full is Orengall’s legendary Armet. Crafted for the hunter shrouded by night, quicksilver alloys ensure a silent stalk and merciful strike.
By focused glare of the waxing moon visor, you call upon the rite of the lone wolf’s fang.
Armet of Iridis - Waning
By vulnerable gaze of the waning moon’s bare face, you call upon the rite of the pack wolf’s howl.
Lycansteel Cuirass
Cast beneath the winter solstice, Orengall’s Lycansteel Cuirass holds the quiet dark of the longest night.
Adorned with a Veridian Vine talisman to match the Omen Beast’s own, the wolf’s pact is sealed twixt servant and steed.
Eventide Greaves
Though the forelegs cast claw to prey, ‘tis the wolf’s hindlegs that pound power to earth.
Orengall’s Eventide Greaves holster the ritual dagger Fang. The wild wind blows her scarf, threaded through by hairs of the Omen Beast’s own silvernpelt tail.
New Dermak Undercity tilesets!
Discover the Bastions Tile: A new addition to the Dermak Undercity, the Bastions offers new dynamic challenges for Envoys to discover.
New and perilous elemental hazards have emerged in the Dermak Undercity... tread carefully and stay vigilant against these frightening threats.
General Additions and Changes
- Added a new Gear wheel menu for easy access to Gear and Emotes! Gear will auto-populate as collected.
- Added a new HUD for health, stability, consumables, weapons (including arrow count for Bows), Sparrow Guide, and Gear Wheel.
- Added new Ode enemy variants throughout Alca!
- Added new Sparrow’s Tales.
- Added categories to Tuvalkane's Crafting menu: Ready to Craft, Requirements Not Met, Fragmented Recipes.
- Added a red arrow indicator to the Weapon UI in the Arsenal screen to highlight unmet Virtue requirements.
- Added Voltaic Snare encounters that have a chance to appear in areas level 5 and above after completing The Shewolf Snared Fable.
- Added Codex entries for The Last Pensive, The Steelsinger, and The Brewer of Hues Fables. These entries have been retroactively granted to Envoys who have already completed the Fables.
- Added tooltips to the Inventory and Codex category tabs.
- Entering Nightfold now restores Envoys' Health to 25% if it falls below this threshold.
- Made ongoing adjustments to loot drop chances and chest locations throughout Alca to feel more balanced
- Made Sprint bound to the left stick by default for controllers, with toggle run enabled by default.
- Envoys now transition directly into a roll when dodging during a sprint, skipping the initial stepdash (with sprint toggle enabled).
- Double-tapping now allows for a quicker transition into a roll.
- Improved lighting, VFX, graphics, and materials with refined sky tinting, more vibrant and authentic light sources, and enhanced surfaces for smoother, more polished visuals.
- Ongoing environmental updates to the world of Alca!
- Improved animations, AI behavior, placing, and combat for Ode enemies, dogs, and siege engines.
- Made ongoing improvements to movement and animations, including enhancements to dodging, jumping attacks, sprinting with weapons drawn, and blocking transitions.
- Updated enemy Health and Stability UI.
- Adjusted Inventory location in Menu UI.
- Improved UI for Ancestors, Crafting, menus, and compass.
- Made the Health Elixir icon red.
- Replaced the old "Network Not Responding" UI with a new design.
- Improved the functionality and spawning of puzzles in dungeons.
- Improved enemy placement in Fort Curlail, the Undercity, and Midrath.
- Reduced the amount of enemies present in the field when the “Hark, Collector!” Sparrow’s Tale begins over an enemy-rich area.
- Made "Hark, The Collector" Tale spawning more randomized after initial login.
- Adjusted Stability thresholds for both Garren Rood and Nimrod to prevent staggering too quickly when affected by Phantom Flock.
- Increased enemy levels during “Reclaim from Ode the Totem Owed” in The Torment Stag.
- Improved pacing and flow of The Last Pensive.
- Increased base health for Nimrod.
- Increased Sollos-I crafting time to 5 hours to align with other starter weapons.
- Increased the cost required to fire the Bollide Blast Ode Tempest Idol.
- Increased required Fragments for Juniper to 3.
- Added new music to the fabled Glades of Andurin.
- Ongoing audio improvements and fixes including new sound effects for enemies, combat, weapons, and the world.
- Wintersquash has left Alca for the season!
- Fixed sprinting while casting Glamour sometimes causing the Arcanic to cancel early.
- Fixed moving enemies struck with Bestone sliding when turned to stone.
- Fixed Smite triggering even when the attack was blocked by enemies.
- Fixed stealth attacks with spear weapons leaving enemies with 1 HP instead of killing them outright as intended.
- Fixed Fenn Jotar’s Idol icon remaining on the HUD after the Idol expires.
- Fixed Fenn Jotar’s Idol being removed after changing loadouts in the arsenal screen.
- Fixed Ode Hunters not properly revealing their soul when struck with Smite.
- Fixed erratic animations and movement for Ode battle dogs.
- Fixed Bannerettes and Nimrod sometimes standing on top of Envoy corpses.
- Fixed Envoys sliding if killed during a dodge animation.
- Fixed Envoy’s torso snapping when dodging in a non-forward direction.
- Fixed caged animals being incorrectly oriented when released.
- Fixed patrolling Ode enemies sometimes pathing incorrectly and getting stuck.
- Fixed squirrels moving in place unnaturally.
- Fixed Ode being able to walk through animal cages.
- Fixed holstering a weapon after an attack causing movement to feel a bit sluggish.
- Fixed new players spawning without their helmet equipped.
- Fixed some lootable weapon racks appearing stacked or overlapping.
- Fixed Arts UI backers not properly aligning with text.
- Fixed a performance hitch that occurred when swapping Pacts in the arsenal screen.
- Fixed missing hair with Helmless equipped.
- Fixed individual sound volume controls not functioning during cinematics, causing sound to play even when set to 0.
- Fixed HUD appearing when talking to Verminia in Nightfold.
- Fixed Nightfold showing in menu UI even when inaccessible.
- Fixed dodging while entering Nightfold at the same time causing dodge to no longer work when returning to the overworld.
- Fixed Sparrow’s Tales HUD text appearing when a tale was not active.
- Fixed Sparrow’s Tales sometimes not triggering or shutting down properly in dungeons.
- Fixed Garren Rood’s attack animations not blending properly.
- Fixed Ode’n Moaners becoming invisible except for their eyes in the Glades after completing the Torment Stag.
- Fixed throwing a melee weapon to kill Garren Rood causing it to appear stuck in the Envoy’s hand in the following cinematic during The Torment Stag.
- Fixed the Sparrow Guide losing focus and hovering over Orlick instead of guiding to the quill’s location during "Where Lies the Spectre’s Quill?" in The Last Pensive.
- Fixed Notes not closing automatically if attacked while viewing it.
- Fixed various minor level issues throughout Midrath and the Undercity.
- Fixed a floating brick in a Dendrit village.
- Fixed floating grass near Vermini’s discovery location.
- Fixed a small open-faced gap along a cliff edge near Fort Curlail.
- Fixed some floating mugs in the Undercity.
- Fixed collision issues around the shipwreck preventing Envoys from walking through areas they should fit through.
- Fixed various animations and behaviour of Ode enemies, including movement, attacks, and transitions.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Combat Arts screen.
- Fixed crashes that could occur when attempting to close the arsenal screen and open the Pact Upgrade simultaneously.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when transitioning from the Wishing Well hint back to the Envoy.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when completing music statues in multiplayer during host migration.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the times of day UI popup appeared.
- Fixed crashes caused by Ode’n battle dogs.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during post-death sparrow mode.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using Fey Pact.
- Fixed crashes that could occur when speaking to Avakot.
- Fixed a crash caused by battling the Nimrod.
- Fixed crashes that could occur when Clients interacted with Avakot instead of the Host during The Torment Stag.
- Fixed crashes that could occur during The Last Pensive.
- Fixed crashes caused by Sparrow’s Tales.
- Fixed crashes related to Dx12.
Known Issue: Hub Squad Rejoining We are aware of an issue where, if a player intentionally leaves a squad while in The Silent Rose Enclave, they may be unable to rejoin the same host. If this occurs, players can leave the hub and either relog or re-enter the hub to successfully squad up with the host again. This issue will be addressed in an upcoming Hotfix. Thank you for your patience!